Peridot Gemstones for Sale - Loose Genuine Peridot Gems at AfricaGems

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Learn All About Peridot Gemstones - Shop For Loose Peridot Gemstones at Discount Prices
Out of all of the facts about Peridot gemstones, the coolest thing by far is that Peridot is an extraterrestrial gemstone! While it can be mined from deep inside the earth like most gemstones, Peridot can also be found within meteorites. In fact, some of these outer space peridot gemstones are big enough to be cut and faceted into gemstones for jewelry. In fact, all of AfricaGems peridots come from the Milky Way Galaxy, planet earth, that is! It is much more common to find Peridot gemstones in mines in Pakistan, China, Vietnam and the United States. Another interesting Peridot tidbit is that if you look carefully within the gem you can see double of each facet due to its high double refraction attribute.

Best Quality Small Free size Peridot Gemstones - Shop for Unique Peridot Gems for Jewelry
With its famous bold, green chartreuse hue, Peridot gemstones add the perfect color pop to custom jewelry creations. Peridot gemstones are cheerful and fun, yet dazzlingly sophisticated and chic. Paired with other colored gems, or on their own, Peridot gemstones add a special oomph to jewelry! Shop now for your dream Peridot gemstone.

Stunning Matched Peridot Pairs from AfricaGems -Best Loose Peridot Matched Gems for SALE
These gorgeous Peridot matched pairs are simply of stunning quality. The images don't begin to convey the true quality of these fantastic gems. All of these matched pairs and sets were recut to make these perfectly matched pairs and sets.  With their stunning chartreuse color, Peridot matched gems are great for creating custom one-of-a-kind gemstone jewelry with a vivid pop of color. Try designing your own Peridot gemstone earrings with our matched gems, and you'll see how the gorgeous green Peridot color adds brightness and lightens up your whole look! AfricaGems is the best place to shop for genuine gemstones and all of our gemstones come with a Certificate of Authenticity. With a flexible payment plan, a generous return policy and FREE shipping, AfricaGems is the trusted source for loose gemstones.

Read more about Peridot Gems
Visit the GIA Gem Encyclopedia to Learn About Peridot Quality Factors
Peridot Gem Overview  Check Out the GIA Gemstone Encyclopedia

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