Gorgeous Pendant Mountings for Colored Gemstones or Diamonds - Customize A Pendant Mounting
Pendants are beautiful jewelry accessories that can make a big statement with little effort. As opposed to other jewelry accessories, pendants are truly front and center and are probably the most visible piece of jewelry observed by those meeting you.  People don't necessarily look at other's hands, and earrings can be hidden behind hair, but pendants take center stage in terms of visibility. Therefore, a gemstone pendant is a great investment and customizing one can enable you to create a beautiful and personally meaningful piece of jewelry that will express your style. At AfricaGems, you're invited to choose the metal color of the pendant as well as the size of the center gemstone. To further customize your gemstone pendant, follow the link to our showcase site to choose from 17 different metal type options as well as select diamond accents and a center gemstone. Custom jewelry is personal and very special, these are the pieces of heirloom jewelry that will be passed down to your next generation, an accessory that many will enjoy after you.

Going Deeper in Our Understanding of Pendants
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